Loud Music Can Make An Entire Generation Grow Deaf Before Their Time Why are more and more teenagers suffering from hearing problems? It's because they keep on listening to loud music through their headsets and earphones. An entire generation of young people is growing up almost deaf even before they reach their 30s because of this. According to a study by scientists at McMaster University, Ontario, a growing number of teenagers are already suffering from chronic persistent tinnitus. Tinnitus (pronounced ti-ni-tis), is a ringing in the ears. A tinnitus sufferer hears various sounds such as buzzing, hissing, chirping, and whistling even when there is actually silence. The noise can go on for stretches of time, or come intermittently. A person with tinnitus can sometimes find it hard to fall asleep because the sound persists and is even louder at night when there are no other sounds present. Dr. Larry Roberts of McMaster's Department of Psychology, Neurosc...