3 Common Things You Are Doing That Is Killing Your Ears and You Don’t know Your ears are not just your personal antenna that receives sound signals and channel it into the ear. They are also essential for maintaining balance, preventing infections and regulating your body temperature. That is why when something goes wrong with your ears; there is a need for urgency. For instance when an individual receives a heavy slap or blow to the head, the person usually experience a feeling of dizziness or the immediate environment would seems to be spinning around. This is so because the sense of balance is in the ear and it has been tampered with due to the heavy blow to the head. Many are guilty of doing these common things to their ear, unknown to them that it could be dangerous to their hearing system. Regular Use Of Cotton Buds/Swabs To Remove Earwax If you think they are made for excavating earwax, think again. Earwax also known as cerumen is a natural cleansing mechani...