3 Common Things You Are Doing That Is Killing Your Ears and You Don’t know

Your ears are not just your personal antenna that receives sound signals and channel it into the ear. They are also essential for maintaining balance, preventing infections and regulating your body temperature. That is why when something goes wrong with your ears; there is a need for urgency. For instance when an individual receives a heavy slap or blow to the head, the person usually experience a feeling of dizziness or the immediate environment would seems to be spinning around. This is so because the sense of balance is in the ear and it has been tampered with due to the heavy blow to the head.
Many are guilty of doing these common things to their ear, unknown to them that it could be dangerous to their hearing system.
Regular Use Of Cotton Buds/Swabs To Remove Earwax
If you think they are made for excavating earwax, think again. Earwax also known as cerumen is a natural cleansing mechanism in the ear. Earwax traps dirt and dust before they reach the eardrum. Ladies are fond of regularly putting cotton buds into their ear in the name of cleaning. Know this, you are cleaning nothing but rather exposing your ear drums to dirt and dust which could lead to infection in the ear. Though, earwax can get impacted, it is recommended never to use cotton buds in the ear because doing this can further push wax deeper into the ear and make it harder to get out.
Pushing your finger into the ear 
I met a lady sometimes in the past in my former office. She was scheduled to have an ear impression to make a mould for her hearing aid. Ordinarily making an ear impression is a painless procedure, but she went through so much pain during the procedure. This was because her ear canals were so dry and scaly due to excess picking and cleaning of her ear. Apparently she was naïve since she thought frequent cleaning of the ear is a means of maintaining 100% good ear hygiene practice. Similarly fingernails can injure the membrane covering the ear canal wall thereby exposing it to dirt and germs. A well lubricated ear canal will allow for easy self cleansing of the ear canal and prevent the eardrum from dirt and dusts.
Playing your music so loud
Huh! Can you speak up? Come again please. These and more are common expression when you are finding it difficult to maintain a normal conversation due to the presence of loud music in the background. I guess many will wonder if this is actually possible. This is for the guys and most men out there. Most men are guilty of this act. I have heard many say they enjoy their music better when it is loud and reaching the rooftop. They would say I need to feel the baseline and claiming they can’t when the music is low. No you are not enjoying the music, but only gradually killing your hair cells. Your ear cells help you to detect sounds and begin the process of hearing. Loud music or noise gradually kills them and once they are dead, it is irreversible. The damage has been done and this can results into hearing loss. Hearing loss means when you cannot hear as well as other people around you do.
If the noise around you is too loud that you have to shout to be heard, there is a chance that the mechanism inside your ear can be injured. So turn down the music and protect your hearing when you still can. Listen Responsibly.    

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