at 65- A Compromised Hearing In Defense Of Liberty- by Promise Ebuka
last year I met a young man who is a captain in the Nigeria army and had just
returned back from Borno state where they were for months battling insurgence
against the Nigeria government. He was referred to my office for audiological
evaluation after complaints of loss of hearing and tinnitus in both ears.
Tinnitus is a persistent sound in one or both ears. The sound does not come
from an external source and is perceived only by the person hearing it and it’s
often experienced as a high-pitched hiss, ring, or buzz. After several
batteries of test, I was able to confirm he has moderate to severe hearing loss
in both ears which was also accompanied by tinnitus. Obviously he would have to
live the rest of his life wearing a hearing aid. He felt so bad about the
news, though I counseled him and encouraged him that with hearing aids he could
still enjoy the good sound of life. This and more are the plight of our
military men who have fought and are still fighting for our liberty and
Apparently, years of noise exposure to machine guns and heavy
weapons while in battle likely contributed to hearing loss in many Nigerian
military men. Many of our patriotic veterans would be the first of many who had
fought and put their life in line and protected Nigeria liberty only to find
themselves dealing with hearing loss over time. Military service often
includes the prevalence of loud noises. And while there are some protections in
place today, it was not always so in the past. Think of sailors, infantry and
gunners in close proximity to cannons and guns exposing their ear to loud noise
above 110 decibels. The noise is very detrimental to their hearing system.
We don’t usually think of independence as a hearing issue,
but hearing and independence are most certainly intertwined. That’s because
hearing loss is too often accompanied by gradual withdrawal from personal
connections because it is simply too difficult to catch up with all that is
going on around you.
As you enjoy the long weekend and Independence Day with
family and friends, remember a veteran and how their hearing was likely
sacrificed in defense of the liberty we all enjoy today and also remember to
take steps to preserve your hearing and your independence. So Listen Responsibly.
Happy Independence Nigeria
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