IT’S TOO NOISY TO THINK As our world become more mechanized, the problem of noise pollution increases. Noise- unwanted sound- bombards us every day, at work, at home and when we play (during recreational activities). It also bombards the tinny hair cells in our ears. Construction sites, traffic, and the neighbor’s lawnmower are just a few sources of unwanted noise that are not only annoying, but also impacting our health. Recent studies have found a connection between noise and stress, poor sleep, and even cardiovascular disease. Loud or prolonged noise can permanently destroy these tiny hairs cells, causing loss of hearing. The damage may be gradual, painless and invisible, but it’s permanent once it occurs. Frankly speaking many will be unaware of their gradual loss of hearing until they lose about 30 percent of their hearing acuity. Millions of people are exposed to hazardous noise on and off the job every day. Hence, you need to learn how you can prote...
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